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The Power Of Gradients

With user experience becoming more digital than ever, some so-called 'outdated trends' start to resurface. One of these trends is gradients- which have become one of the significant design trends in 2o2o.

With flat designs taking center stage, graphic designers have used single colors in branding to provide minimal aesthetics, which is typical. However, when adequately deplored, gradients can be used to create lively and engaging visuals. With gradients, product, and user experience, designers can properly blend regular colors to create unique ones.

This article will flashback to this classic trend and look at the immense benefits it offers.

We will also look at a tool that can help you to maximize the benefits of gradients on the go. Shall we?

What Are Gradients? 

A gradient is the gradual blending of two or more colors to create a unique color. With gradients, your brand can stand out by creating new dimensions and add depth to designs. Gradients are a great option when it comes to creating contemporary designs which are gradually replacing flat designs.

They can also be used to mimic real-life experiences and create memorable experiences with models. Gradients are an excellent option for creating unique brand assets that stand the test of time.

The Resurgence Of Gradients

Trends come and go, and great designers understand how to make the best of shifting trends. You may wonder why gradients ever went out of style if they were so beneficial. Well, you know what happens when a great thing is overused and becomes less appealing? Yes, that is what happened with gradients, they were overused, and people got bored with how they were used.

Over time, design experts realized the possibility and benefits of subtly blending colors. This led to the resurgence of gradients to give designs a sense of motion and progression. Gradients have never been bad; it has always been about how you utilize it.

Why Gradients?

Still not convinced about gradients? Well, let us take a look at some reasons why gradients are so trendy;

Gradients Leave a Lasting Impression

First impressions are essential, and in today's marketing world, you need to ensure that you leave memorable impressions on users. With gradients, you have a better chance to do this because they are new and unique. The human mind tends to remember unusual designs more than we do with common ones. We all know the colors “purple” or “blue” when we see them. These colors are the ones that we have been accustomed to all our lives. However, we are more likely to remember it for longer with gradients, just like we remember our first kiss or trip.

Gradients are Unique

The goal of every brand is to create a unique identity. If we are honest, there aren't enough flat colors for brands to play around. Millions of brands around the world are left to create unique identities with about two dozen colors. As a tech brand that loves the color blue, you are limited because you have Facebook, Twitter, and other companies using that color.

With gradients, designers have the luxury of options. This way, each brand can create its unique color identity from a combination of different colors.

Gradients are Realistic

As I said earlier, user experience has evolved into a more digital outlook. Today, brands need to incorporate real feelings into designs. Users are slowly becoming more accustomed to designs that depict real-life experiences. Therefore, brands need to pay attention to this when creating a digital user experience.

This is easier with gradients as they have a more realistic feel when compared to flat colors. Our eyes are more inclined to see gradients as being more natural.

Gradients are Colorful

It is a known fact that humans are naturally inclined to love colors. Many brands understand this and try to combine as many flat colors as possible. Gradients make it easier to blend colors naturally and playfully. Therefore, if you are looking to win customers' hearts, you need to leverage the power of gradients in design. Not only do they allow you to stand out, but they also attract more people to your brand.

Would you love us if we went through these excellent benefits of gradients and didn't hook you up with a way to get started? I bet you wouldn't.

At Vdeesign, we understand the potential of gradients, and our team of professional designers have created a collection of the best-animated gradients for you.

500 Animated Color Gradients is the ultimate collection of animated color gradients. This collection is the largest ever collection of gradients available on the market today.

This new library features several unique, beautiful, and modern animated gradients that can set your brand apart from competitors. You can set your projects apart with;

-       Two-color gradients

-       3-color gradients

-       4-color gradients

-       Liquid gradients, and

-       Many other mixed gradients.

With 500 Animated Color Gradients you gain access to several experimental designs. If you are looking to make your next projects pop with animated gradients, this is for you. With customizable gradient colors, you can easily adjust and configure gradients based on your preferences. Also, all gradients are flexible in size, resolution, and scale.

This template is designed to help anyone (even those without prior after effects experience) deliver stunning results with a few clicks. It is user friendly and comes with a tutorial video to guide you every step of the way.


Colors have become much more important in different aspects of branding, which has brought about the resurgence of gradients. Brands like Instagram, Hulu, and Spotify have incorporated gradients in their UX, logos, and other branding aspects.

Gradients provide designers with versatility when it comes to transforming the look and feel of designs. Some of the biggest brands out there today are leveraging gradients' power to create unique experiences for customers.

What are you waiting for? Step into a world of endless possibilities and make your brand as attractive as it can be with gradients.

If you ever doubted the power of gradients, we hope you don’t anymore?

Thank you for reading this article.