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16 Super Fire CSS Gradient Examples

We know why you’re here – you love gradients just as much as we do, and you want to see more! If you’ve read our blog, we’ve showed you a ton of gradient tutorials, had a lot of CSS gradient discussions, and we’ve even dived deep into why CSS gradients matter. If you haven’t read our other posts, give them a look-see when you can, but for now, we’re here to do something super cool – give you examples of awesome gradients in action. Join us as we walk through 16 awesome examples of CSS Gradients that – we think – will help you catch the CSS Gradient fever.

1) Scale API Homepage

2) Stripe Homepage

See this content in the original post

3) Stripe Connect Page

4) Stripe Payments Page

5) Mixpanel Homepage

6) Instagram Logo

7) Instagram Guidelines Page

8) Spectrum Background

9) Spectrum Community Search

10) 3D For Designers Header

11) 3D For Designers Email Form

12) EthWorks

13) Baremetrics

14) Polygon

15) Algolia

16) Indie Hackers


We love all of those examples, and we bet you do, too. The end idea here is that CSS Gradients are everywhere, and we can guarantee that you’ll start noticing them a lot more, too! Keep an eye out for your favorite gradients across your web travels!

See this content in the original post

© Article taken from CSS Gradient Blog