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6 Ways to Make a Great First Impression in Branding

First impressions mean everything in the professional world. You may only have one opportunity to show a potential customer what your brand is about.

 Today, businesses operate in an incredibly competitive era. Therefore, your brand needs all the goodwill that it can get. An impression is created in the customers’ minds about any brand they come in seconds. This impression is critical in maintaining a long-term relationship with across customers (eventually, customers become fans of your brand).

Every customer likes the idea that their favorite brands are unique and desirable. Many businesses spend lots of money on marketing and fail to focus on building a likable and distinct brand. Proper branding will help you get a better ROI from your advertising and marketing campaigns. If you want your business to be seen as a unique brand, you cannot afford to leave first impressions to chance.

How can you position your brand effectively to achieve this?

In this article, we will consider 5 necessary steps that you can take to ensure that your brand makes a killer impression.

Online Presence

Digitalization is prevalent in aspects of our lives, and you need to pay attention to your online branding. Customers may decide to check out your brand on any of their favorite platforms. This is why you need to ensure that all your digital assets are functional and positively represent your brand.

Your website is probably the first place that customers check; therefore, it needs to be attractive and easy to navigate (bonus tip, it also needs to load fast). Social media is also crucial because it is where your brand's "personality" is consistently dished out.

The goal is to ensure that you adequately represent your brand and give (potential) customers a great perception of your business.


Have you ever thought of the relationship between great designs and the human mind? Well, it’s a tale of real love. Customers love quality designs that make their interactions with products (and services) easier. They also love beautiful ‘state of the art’ designs that benefit their lifestyle.  

A great example of the importance of design is business is Apple Inc. Over the years, the tech giants have leveraged great designs to make customers FEEL good. You need to spend ample time creating amazing designs in terms of products and users' experiences.


No matter how good your branding may be, it is a waste when customers cannot relate to the “great” things that you are projecting through branding. Quality is probably the most critical factor when it comes to creating and maintaining a great impression. The quality of your product or service will go a long way in determining how customers feel about your brand.  

The long term success of your brand largely depends on the quality of your product. However, you also need to focus on creating quality experiences for customers.

Social Proof

Imagine you were looking for a place to try for lunch, and you walked down a street with 5 restaurants (each with killer branding and amazing ads). However, while 3 of them were bustling with customers, the other 2 were almost empty. It goes without saying that you will choose one of the 3 with many customers. This is because you assume that these restaurants with customers are doing well.    

These days, there is a decline in the level of trust for traditional marketing. I mean, is there any brand that would say uncool things about their products or services? I guess not. However, with social proof, you can quickly gain the trust of prospective customers. Social proof is the concept that people tend to follow the actions of the masses.

Brands leverage social proof to improve brand awareness. In the example above, it is safe to assume that the empty restaurants aren't as good as those filled with customers. This is the same way that positive feedback from customers can improve awareness for a brand. Therefore, you need to make use of it strategically to enhance brand awareness.


The disruption of normalcy over the past months has caused businesses to make critical decisions. There are several examples where simple (or sometimes, not so simple) functional changes have improved a brand’s impression. Brands can improve perceptions by paying attention to their customers' needs and leveraging innovation to make effective changes to that effect.

A classic example of this can be seen with Whatsapp stories. The application took a cue from Snapchat and Instagram to provide a feed for close contacts. This simple upgrade has endeared the app to many customers and improved the brand’s impression.

Copywriting (Working With Quality Creative Assets)

An emotional connection is critical when it comes to forming a stellar first impression. There are several ways to provide an emotional connection through professionally written copy. However, it is not only about what you write but also about how you visually present it. While videos and images are essential, the appearance of texts is also crucial.

With JUSTYPE ANIMATED TITLE PRESETS, you can always create copies that will endear audiences to your brand. Justype is a professionally animated titles pack that can be used to create engaging copies. With this timesaving tool, you can bring all your ideas to life and keep your viewers engaged.

Justype animated titles are designed, developed, and animated by professionals to help you connect with your audience. This template takes your copywritten content to another level of effectiveness with quality typography and other design elements. It features a modern design with a clean and professional appeal that can be easily customized to suit your brand's specific needs.          

These animated titles preset are ideal for opening slides, tutorials, presentations, credits, lower thirds, explainer videos, show open, YouTube intros or title cards, commercials, or appealing social media graphics.

Justype Animated Titles Presets is a pre-animated video template that includes a bundle of quick and easy to use animated title slides. It’s the best text animated preset series by Vdeesign. It is a great way to make a unique and lasting impression on customers.

You can check out this template (and many more amazing tools) here;  

Rounding Up….

The importance of first impressions has been drummed into us since we were kids. However, there is a legitimate reason for this because humans are naturally inclined to judge a person or thing within the first few seconds of seeing it. 

This is why you need to ensure that whenever a customer interacts with your brand (whether online or offline), it leaves a lasting positive impression.