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7 Benefits of Motion Graphics Videos for Businesses

Did you notice how much emotionally and mentally engaged you are while watching motion graphics videos?!

Motion graphics are the combination of different content formats (Text – Numbers – Voiceover – Sounds – Animation) that capture the attention of viewers and simplify the delivered message to add value to viewers and encourage them to perform desired conversions.

80% of content consumed nowadays is video and taking advantage of video marketing enables businesses to stand out from the competition with an appealing engaging content that drives more and more conversions “46% of consumers made a purchasing decision after watching an online video about the product”.

Different techniques and technologies can be used when producing motion graphics videos including 2D & 3D animation, 360-degree videos, AR and VR experiences and traditional hand drawing techniques to create appealing content that dliver the desired results.

We will discuss the main advantages and benefits of using professional motion graphics videos and also the main types of motion graphics videos to guide you to a suitable decision about your next marketing campaign.

Motion Graphics Videos Benefits

The uses and advantages of using motion graphics are only limited to your imagination and the skills and experiences that you possess to produce professional motion graphics content suitable for the campaign goals, chosen platforms and the targeted audience.

The main advantages of using motion graphics include:

#1. Effective Branding Solution

Branding is all about establishing a positive image in the minds of the targeted audience about your brand and associated products and services with the use of effective branding solutions.

Motion graphics videos have proved their efficiency as a branding solution as they attract the attention of audiences in a world of limited attention span effectively and engage them emotionally and mentally with your brand message.

Whether you’re increasing awareness about your brand, launching new products or services, targeting new customers’ segments or improving the brand reputation, motion graphics content will be the winning card with appealing visual and audio content that demonstrates your brand message efficiently.

Higher engagement level is guaranteed with the easily-shared content and real-time feedback about the brand and available products or services perception and performance from the targeted audience that enables businesses to evaluate and improve their position within the competition.

Motion graphics content can be customized to fit the brand visual identity (Color scheme – Fonts – Typography), the brand voice & tone and the targeted audience preferences & interests with a formal refined appearance and increased control over the content style better than live-action videos.

#2. Simplifying Complex Topics

One of the main advantages of using motion graphics videos is that you can simplify complex ideas and topics to viewers and add the expected value with engaging visuals (illustrations – diagrams – characters) that can be consumed quicker within a minute or two rather than writing a lengthy blog post that consumes more valuable time.

Statistics, data visualization, chemistry, physics, internet of things “IOT” and all complex and sometimes boring topics can be simplified and educated to viewers with ease in a short period suitable for their limited attention span and time as human brain process visual date 60,000 times faster than data in a text format.

You can explain the competitive advantage of your business products and solution and how they can handle the targeted audience “potential customers” needs and problems as we did with our client “Telehealth Solutions” to illustrate their innovative medical solutions.

#3. Highly-engaged & Effortlessly-consumed

Video marketing content receives 12x engagement over other types of content published online on social media platforms of comments and shares from active social media users on different social media channels regardless of the demographics and interests of active users.

Your business message can go viral through engaging motion graphics videos that are effortlessly consumed by the audience within seconds with no need to waste effort or time with a simplified message with outstanding presentation with the combination of content elements included.

Motion graphics content is memorable by 80% of viewers up to 30 days and retains 95% of the information presented visually compared to 10% when using a text format, so imagine the value-added to your business marketing campaigns from an engaging effortlessly-consumed memorable content marketing solution.

#4. Multi-Sensory Experience

The targeted audiences differentiate based on their favorite content format and how they prefer to receive information either by reading a detailed text content, listening to audio content, viewing an infographic or a video.

As we mentioned, motion graphics videos are a combination of different content formats (Illustrations – Animation – Text & Numbers – Voiceover) “multi-sensory experience” that enable you to address different audiences and increase engagement and the added value with their favorite content format included.

#5. Time & Cost-Effective

Graphic designs and illustrations are effective marketing solutions that increase engagement and drive the desired conversions from targeted audience on chosen platforms to publish the content.

Motion graphics videos consist of designs, illustrations and audio content that drives higher conversion rate (Website Traffic – Completed Purchases) by 20% than other content marketing formats with higher ROI achieved using a highly-persuasive marketing solution.   

Despite the fact that humans spend 6 hours at least weekly watching videos, the available time for your business to attract and engage them with your content is limited and decreasing every day with millions of video content pieces produced daily. 

Motion graphics content is efficient in taking advantage of available limited time for viewers to watch and interact with your content on different devices responsively and different traditional and online platforms.

#6. Suitable for Different Platforms & Goals

Regardless of the platform chosen to publish the content, motion graphics videos are customizable and effective for different marketing, advertising, and branding goals and platforms with different formats available to produce including:

  • Products & Services Promotional Videos

  • Business & Sales Presentations

  • Marketing & Branding Events

  • Traditional & Online Ads

  • Social Media Content (All Platforms)

  • Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Educational & Explainer Videos (How-to Tutorials)

  • Product Reviews & Testimonials

  • Brand & Company Info Videos

There is an endless pool of opportunities to take advantage of with customized professional motion graphics content and the choice is all yours when to start creating and integrating motion graphics content in your business marketing campaigns but hurry up to avoid missing profitable business opportunities.

#7. Improves SEO performance

Engaging motion graphics videos embedded on business and e-commerce platforms increases dwell time (period spent by the user on your website) significantly, increases the average visited pages per session by 260% and reduces the bounce rate.

All mentioned advantages are positive indicators for search engines about your website content quality and the user experience which improves overall search engine optimization (SEO) activities performance.

The positive result of SEO activities will enable your business website to reach higher ranking in related search results generating more profitable traffic from potential customers who searched online about related products or solutions to what your business is offering.

The Takeaway

It’s all clear now how much value can be added to your business by using motion graphics videos but prior to choosing a suitable type of motion graphics content, you should define your business goals out of the produced content and targeted audience demographics, interests and suitable targeting platforms then you should carefully select a professional marketing agency specialized in providing motion graphics and media production solutions to produce the suitable content for your campaigns.

Source: Sendian Creations website