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The Power of Visual Communication

Leveraging the potential of animated videos and motion graphics

If you have been on the internet long enough, then you may remember the time when it was a text-dominated space. At that time, most people still read regular publications that were printed daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Fast forward to the current day internet, and you would notice the 'tidal wave' that has managed to sweep away the dominance of text. This goes to prove that a picture is worth a thousand words. Stories and ideas are now being relayed with powerful imagery to encourage engagement. Using the right kind of animated videos and motion graphics can draw further attention to content. Leveraging the potential of animated videos and motion graphics

With motion graphics, you increase the effectiveness of your presentation in more ways than one. Let’s check out the advantages (or what I call the ABC’s) of motion graphics;

  • Attention grabber

It is easier to gain people’s attention when you work with a good script and get the most out of a combination of texts, images, animation, and music.  

  • Break it down

With motion graphics, you can break the most complex ideas into relatable terms. When used rightly, motion graphics can be used to enable the brain to understand concepts.

  • Create memories

Every idea can be imagined in the mind of the perceiver; in marketing, you can leverage this by creating memorable stories. This is the best way to leverage the compelling power that motion graphics possess.

Visuals and the human brain

The human brain is designed to process visual information better. Humans may handle visuals up 60,000 times better than text because that is how the brain is wired that way. 80% of people are likely to remember what they say than a meager, 20% that recollect what they read. Therefore, visuals are essential when it comes to memorability.

The world is a global village that is interconnected through the internet, and more people are more inclined to view content that has visuals. People are also more likely to respond positively to visual content than those that are text-based. In the US, a whopping 85% of people watch videos online.

Motion graphics can be used to convey and unveil emotions. It can be used to unearth the artistic human sense by connection ideas to moving images.

With the use of mobile devices, the internet and its tons of content are easily accessible. This makes it easy for people to jumble up activities, resulting in people’s short attention span. Subsequently, people are more drawn to visuals because it helps to digest information quickly.

Visuals and online engagement

37%- This is how much visual elements can increase your online engagements. Since the goal for many people is to get sales and exposure online, visuals can improve positive brand awareness.

In today’s competitive market, it is not enough to get traffic on your website; you have to ensure that you target the right people. With visuals, you can target a specific kind of people and relay information to them regularly. The biggest brands in the world today have been able to persuade audiences by creating fantastic video content.  

Texts also matter

Certain advantages can come as a result of using texts too. For example, in terms of speed, texts load faster, and users are bound to abandon a page when it doesn't load on time. It is also true that written text is more accessible to all kinds of audiences (Although it may take a little adjustment of font size for some).

Another reason why texts are essential is that it is used for search engine optimization. Search engines index text to rank their pages; therefore, you need texts for your page to rank.  

Texts are also preferred by a particular age group of people and are also used to state the terms of legal documents clearly.

Striking a balance between visual and texts

Content curators need to understand the comparative advantage of using each kind of content. Both means of communication can be leveraged for different products, audiences, and viewer demography based on the response you hope to get.

If you are trying to sell a product to millennial, you need to involve creative visuals as a core part of your marketing element. With visuals, you can ensure that the receiver of the information stores it in his/her long term memory.

The beauty of it all is that you can leverage the diversity of both animated text and videos across all devices, applications, and presentations, to name a few.

Rounding off…

Content can come in several forms; text, audio, images, or videos (or a combination of at least 2 of these).   

For effective marketing to happen, you have to ensure that you provide the right information to the right audience through the proper manner. Today, (mostly due to the influx of information within reach), humans tend to have the short attention span to details. The internet is home to an abundance of fantastic content that is created by the second. It is essential to strategise according to your specific marketing needs. 

Although much emphasis is placed on the benefits of visual communication, texts still have a secure place when it comes to effective marketing. If we are honest, the visual appeal is only an extension of content that is, in fact, written texts. The beautiful amplification of these texts, charts, and other tons of design elements through visuals is only an extension. 

There is no doubt that visuals are much more useful than texts. However, with both means having their clear limitations, a combination of both is only right. The best way to present content to an audience is by using lots of images and combining it with the right amount of text (this depends on the demography your marketing is targeted towards).

If you ever doubt the efficiency of visuals for effective communication, think of this fact; 65% of humans are visual learners.